Monday, November 23, 2009

Keep the thunder... I have lightning

I don't even know what that means...
Anyways if you some how stumbled on this page,
anywhere else than my Chaplains Blog check it out @
PS CLick the link above this writing
That is all, you may continue your day now.
Love Peace And Fireworks,


  1. Hey! I DID stumble on your blog from the chaplains blog, and figured I'd stop in and say hi. My husband's currently deployed right now to the middle east - his best friend is the chaplains assistant, so I get to hear a little bit about what you guys do. Pretty awesome. I'll have to add you to my blogroll to keep up w/ya - I'm not that good at updating my own blog tho. :)

  2. Been following Fr. Tim from the beginning, also on Facebook. We've run in some of the same circles in the San Francisco Bay Area.

  3. Fr Tim is a long time friend as I have been privileged to attend retreats which he "masters" and very effectively.
    Prayers and blessings for you too, as you help our dear Father Tim.

  4. Forget to mention, it's good to hear the "other side" of the story.

  5. Keep the thunder... I have lightning
    Thanks, for that, I like it. It could convey several thoughts. :-)
