Monday, January 25, 2010

Davey Jones Locker

Well for every one who has seen the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and knows the story behind the captain of the Flying Dutchman. He cuts out his own heart and locks it up and burries it because the woman he loved abandoned him.

That is more or less how I feel at this moment because after a fight that started 2 days ago my wife has decided divorce looks like the best/only option.

I'm completely shattered and typing this is the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. I know I can be a complete idiot at times... Ok more often than not, but I still love her with all I am and all that I have!

Now that I'm completely broken God is the only one who can fix anything left of my life please pray for me and my wife.

from the bottom of my heart I thank you all,
faith and firepower


  1. I just ran into your post on a fluke. I'm an Army Chaplain, I've had 3 tours in support of OIF for a total of 38 months. I've seen the heavy burden on Army Families. I've also seen that God IS good. He still works miracles in the lives of his children. I prayed for you and your bride tonight.
    Pro Deo, et Patria.

  2. Dear SPC,
    Of course I will pray for you and your wife. Take care of yourself.
    Robin in Ohio
