Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Prayers and Things

Just as my Chaplain asked on his blog for prayers, I ask the same for my young wife who is back at home. She is experiencing, aside from grief, an intense amount of stress while trying to get things squared away there. Since we have been married she has moved twice and is just now looking like she can settle down some.

My parents did us a huge favor and helped my wife car shop we found a 2001 Ford Focus with lowish miles and were able to pick it up for under $3k. That's one prayer request down!

I have been praying for my wife to be able to relax a little and for the stress to ease. The car should help now that she has a reliable mode of transportation.

And Please pray for everyone that Fr. Tim has mentioned as well.

Love Peace and Blessings

FaItH aNd FiRePoWeR

1 comment:

  1. Continuing prayers wrapping your bride and you in the Great Love. The challenges and problems will be resolved one by one on each side of the Atlantic! Is your wife employed anywhere. Sometimes it helps to allay my fears when I'm busy doing some form of service somewhere for someone. Even now, newly retired at age 75 after many years working 40 hours per week, I need to find this and that to occupy myself, or my mind rattles off into fear full chatter. Thanks again for doing what you do!
