Saturday, November 28, 2009

Gobble Gobble

Turkey day was better than expected, but the lack of family made it tough my wife and I have only been married 2 months and our first holiday apart was a tough one. I don't know how we will make it through the next one, but I do know my wife and I give each other strength and that looking to the future (when I get home) makes it just bearable enough to get by.

Hope all you readers (if i dare say your interested in my life at all) had an awesome Turkey day and gave thanks for what ever you are thankful for.

Stuffing, Peas, and Turkey,

Faith And FirePower


  1. It is hard to be separated from your spouse. I was 20, my Army EM was 23, I found I was pregnant, and then he was ordered to Germany - 5th Army Hosp. Pregnant wives could not go along. My mom had T.B., so I stayed with the in-laws, whom I barely knew - they were very kind. Our daughter was 6 months old when he came home. We made it, and so will you and your bride. Liking it is NOT required! :-))

  2. Sometimes I think it's harder to be the one deployed then the one at home. At least for us this year it was. I travelled on Thanksgiving halfway across the country and spent my holiday weekend out there. My husband spent his doing his job and making the most out of what the Army provided. You just keep pushing foward, day by day.
